Supporting Cast of Breakfast of Champions: Ray Donovan

June 25, 2023 – 09:37 pm

Cheryl Ladd appeared as Tina Harvey, a “game show girl” on “Spin Cycle.” She’s been silently spinning the old wheel for 34 years and is sick of it. According to Tina, the show’s host Sandy Patrick (Jack Wagner), has the IQ of a guinea pig. She has a Vanderbilt education but they won’t let her talk and she wants to talk. Ray Donovan (Liev Schreiber) smacks Sandy in the face a couple of times right in front of a very impressed Paige Finney (Katie Holmes) and, just like that, Tina gets her chance. She talks and Sandy spins the wheel. The total credit doesn’t go to Ray. At least part has to go to Mr. Liu, who was buying the studio and was a big Tina fan.

Aaron Hendry played Dave Kelly, Abby’s (Paula Malcomson) brother and Karina Logue played her sister, Margaret. Lulu Brud played Margaret’s daughter, Lauren, who thought Abby’s kids’ names were Bridget and Cooper. Although we didn’t get a whole helluva lot of background on the Kelly family, we did see Abby jump right into the irresponsible role of confidante to this niece, willing to keep secrets from Margaret. But that’s probably nothing after Abby just walked out and left Bridget and Conor to supervise themselves.

Returnees: Brooke Smith came back as Frances for a brief scene with Terry (Eddie Marsan) at the doctor’s office. Frances was not pleased that Terry chose his family over her and took part in the armed robbery. She tells Terry that he destroyed her trust when he did that. Terry said he knew. The conversation ended abruptly when Dr. Mendelowitz (Alex Ball) walked in and asked Terry if he was ready to get started. Terry said no and walked out.

Austin Nichols returned as Tommy Wheeler. He ran into Ray on the movie studio lot and could not believe that Ray was working for the Finney family. Tommy took Ray to meet his current love: the kind of love that makes you realize your whole life is a lie. It’s Chloe! Back in Season 1, Chloe was blackmailing Tommy to get money for her sex change operation and Ray fixed the problem by roughing her up and getting the evidence. Later, he gave her the money for the operation. Now Tommy is ready to throw everything away just to marry her. Casey Finney (Guy Burnet) is threatening to sue Tommy if he comes out. Ray agrees to talk to Casey.


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