Weight Watchers Simple Start Breakfast Pizza Cups Recipe

June 24, 2013 – 08:36 am

Weight Watchers Breakfast Pizza Cups #SimpleStart #adI was provided with a free one month subscription to Weight Watchers to try their new Simple Start plan to write about my experience. I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own.

Since the holidays, I’ve been really struggling to get back on track with my eating. The first thing that needed to happen for me was to get honest with myself. So, last week, I spilled my guts about the top lies I tell myself about my diet. It’s a list of things that work as a way to avoid getting on track to temporarily make me feel better. Confessions ranged from drinking way too much coffee even though it makes me feel like crap to telling myself it’s okay. Getting that off my chest, really helped me set my priorities in order. Well, that and the chance to try the Simple Start plan from Weight Watchers which is an easy plan to follow for getting on track.

Challenge: Finding Foods That The Whole Family Will Enjoy

Over the last week, I spent some time going through the recipes to see which ones would work for me. One of my biggest challenges has always been incorporating a good eating plan for myself while still feeding my family things that they will enjoy. That is an area that I usually fail in miserably, which usually leads to my demise since I am the one that prepares the majority of meals. What I’m learning is that many of the foods on the Simple Start plan are foods that we do in fact enjoy already… they are just made a little differently. Then, in some cases, I realized that making a simple edit or addition for my hubby and son would work. For example, I made the Simple Start recipe for Homemade Vegetable Soup which is mainly veggies and some whole wheat pasta. I made a huge batch, then divided it. I added some lean ground beef to theirs and stored mine as is. I was pleasantly surprised that they both really love the soup. That one experiment alone gave me the confidence that this could totally work out for me.

Another recipe that I tried was the Breakfast Pizza. Simple concept and so easy to make. I made a fun little tweak to the recipe to make it more fun and family friendly by baking the English Muffin base into a cup. I’ll be sharing that recipe below. But, just for fun, my son and I put a little video together about trying these, check it out for a giggle:

So are you ready to try something new and tasty? I highly recommend trying these Weight Watchers Simple Start Breakfast Pizza in cup form. Nom, nom! If you are following their points, the serving is only 6 points. You can also add what they call “Flavor Boosts” such as chopped fresh basil or parsley, garlic powder and/or Italian seasoning to change it up. Yum.


  • 1 Large Scrambled Egg
  • 1 Light English Muffin
  • 2 Tablespoons of Shredded Fat Free Cheese
  • 4 Slices of Fresh Tomato


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 375°. Slice your English Muffin in half and press each half into a muffin tin to form a cup. Bake your cups for 6-8 minutes until lightly toasted and firm. Meanwhile scramble your egg and slice your tomatoes. Once the muffin cups are done, add egg and tomato. Then, top with cheese. Place back in the oven until warmed through/cheese is melted. Enjoy!

Source: homemakinghacks.com

Weight Watchers Breakfast Pro Points Plus Recipes Diet Cookbook: Weight Loss Breakfast & Brunch Meal Ideas: Granola & Mueslis, Fruits, Eggs, Smoothies, ... Recipes Diet Companion Cook Book Book 2)
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