Homemade Pork Breakfast Sausage

June 19, 2014 – 01:55 pm

IMG_0430I talk about pork breakfast sausage on my blog on the reg. That means regular. That’s because it’s delicious. And I eat it almost every morning. I get it from Whole Foods, from US Wellness Meats, and then sometimes, when I’m feeling frisky I make it myself. That’s rarely. Because I’m lazy. Can’t help it, people. I just can’t. BUT, not all of you have a Whole Foods near you or want to order food online. Understandable. So I made this recipe for you non-lazy people.

Anywho, I’ve recently become completely obsessed with a new realty show. Yes, you can roll your eyes at me. I get it. You’re too good for trash T.V. and actually have a life that you don’t need to fill your time with a person’s fake life. No, I get it. But I’m not that cool. I like watching over people’s true/fake lives. Watching another person’s life unfold on a visual network is invigorating. Not really, but you know what I’m sayin’. That’s why we read blogs, right? Other people’s lives are always more fun than our own. Wait, that’s not true. I like my life most of the time, when I’m not bawling my eyes out because of a simple head cold. Back to the point, I’ve recently become competely obsessed with the new reality show ‘Total Divas’. Have you seen this sh*t? It’s awesome.

So I’ll give you the rundown. So you know the WWE stuff? Like those huge dudes that shoot roids and fake smash each other’s heads in? I don’t really get the thrill of it, but it seems that millions of other people do and love watching it. Weird. So anyways, some hot women do this as well, but in skanky clothes. (ps- my spell check doesn’t recognize skanky. that’s funny) IT’S AWESOME! I honestly don’t really know why because the show is just all about following them around and listening to their high school drama between each other, their men, and in the ring. But it’s somehow addicting. I wonder if my life would look dramatic if it was filmed every day. Pondering….

Ok, back to reality. I was thinking the other day, I’m not sure if I’m more annoyed with selfies on instagram or the fact that they are called selfies. And hashtagged as selfies. I don’t know if I’ve ever hashtagged a picture of myself as selfie, but I’m disappointed if I have. It’s a trend that needs to stop. STOP THE MADNESS.

Source: paleomg.com

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