Breakfast Club MonologueFebruary 22, 2025 – 10:40 am

Breakfast Club Monologue

Today, The Breakfast Club will be released in all of its remastered glory on DVD and Blu-Ray. It will also screen in Austin next week, as well as at 430 theaters around the country on March 26 and March 31, 30 years after it first gained widescreen release. In honor of all that, I was going to write this whole thing about why The Breakfast Club is all about hope and also why it’s kind of like Jean-Paul Sartre’s No Exit, but then I just decided to…

Bender Breakfast ClubFebruary 6, 2025 – 10:24 am

Bender Breakfast Club

Comedy Rated R The Breakfast Club seems as if it could have been made by a bunch of teenagers. I don’t mean to say that it’s amateurish – the camerawork is actually fairly sophisticated for a high-school comedy. Rather, the movie is so earnest, awkward and exasperated by adulthood that is doesn’t just remember or understand what it’s like to be a teenager. The Breakfast Club embodies the experience. Writer-director John Hughes structures his film…

Club BreakfastJanuary 29, 2025 – 10:22 am

Club Breakfast

The classic John Hughes film The Breakfast Club will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its release in theaters this Sunday and to celebrate, the movie is being re-released in movie theaters in March. The Breakfast Club was released on February 15, 1985 and to mark the occasion, Universal Pictures is bringing the movie back to theaters complete with an introductory featurette that will look back on the film’s legacy and continuing impact on pop culture…

Intro song Breakfast ClubDecember 24, 2024 – 08:51 am

Intro song Breakfast Club

One of the most indelible moments from John Hughes s high school classic The Breakfast Club was when the various teenage weirdos were walking away from their unforgettable day in detention, with their voiceover reminding us of what a profound experience they had all gone through. The song that played over this moment was Simple MindsDon t You (Forget About Me),which besides being incredibly on-the-nose, totally worked. Now one of the stars of The…

Breakfast Club Brighton MIDecember 16, 2024 – 08:46 am

Breakfast Club Brighton MI

Lion Bob Iannuzzi Memorial Golf Outing Every July we host an outing at the Golf Club at Mount Brighton in honor of Lion Bob Iannuzzi. Plan to join us for a full day of golf plus a continental breakfast, lunch and dinner followed by the presentation of door prizes and awards. Each year, many local businesses and private individuals generously sponsor holes and donate door prizes to help make the outing a success. Proceeds from the outing benefit the…

Cactus Breakfast Club HoursNovember 18, 2024 – 08:23 am

Cactus Breakfast Club Hours

Purdue University has many long standing traditions. One of my absolute favorite traditions that Purdue has to offer it s students is Breakfast Club. For those of you collegiettes who are under 21 years of age, you may have heard of it (I will suppose that if you haven t heard of Breakfast Club that you live under a rock). For our Boilermaker collegiettes that can legally participate in Breakfast Club, it is a complete must no matter what is on your…

Breakfast Club Lunch sceneSeptember 23, 2024 – 05:30 am

Breakfast Club Lunch scene

In honor of national candy month, I thought I d pull out a classic candy-related TV Dinner clip for us all. Do you remember the lunchtime scene in The Breakfast Club ? Molly Ringwald confuses Judd Nelson with sushi, Emilio Estevez has enough food for a large family and Ally Sheedy perplexes everyone by tossing the pimento loaf out of her sandwich and replaces it with Pixy Stix and Cap n Crunch cereal instead? If so, then have I ever got a treat for…

Breakfast Club NJ FacebookAugust 10, 2024 – 05:05 am

Breakfast Club NJ Facebook

Synopsis: “How to Better Communicate for Success” by Paul Hatrak Presentation “How to Better Communicate for Success” Explains How to Better Communicate for Success Have you ever lost an important sale or networking connection and wondered why? It could be because you are selling and networking the same way with everyone and not tailoring your activities to each person’s behavioral style. You could be missing as much as 75 percent of your opportunities…

Sugar Club BreakfastAugust 6, 2024 – 05:04 am

Sugar Club Breakfast

Up in the hillside on a quiet road, a large circular entrance leads up to the Mediterranean-style lobby with white stucco walls and red tiles - a look that is consistent with the rest of the property. A welcome drink is offered upon arrival, and a staff member will lead guests to their suites. With only 40 suites in total, the property never feels too crowded, though the pool does get plenty of action due to the lack of beach on premise. Dinner at…

Bristol Breakfast ClubJuly 1, 2024 – 04:47 am

Bristol Breakfast Club

The Bristol Connecticut Lions Club is one of the oldest clubs in Connecticut, chartered in 1926, and is a member of Lions Clubs International, a global service organization of 1.35 million men and women dedicated to serving their communities. Our membership is composed of all types of people including educators, bankers, manufacturers, retirees, dentists, optometrists, and care providers. The Bristol Lions Club meets twice each month to conduct club…

Breakfast Club Intro scriptJune 27, 2024 – 04:47 am

Breakfast Club Intro script

Photo: REX USA. They were five strangers with nothing in common. Meeting for the first time. A brain, a beauty, a jock, a rebel, and a recluse. This week, in 1985, The Breakfast Club hit theaters. It s the pearl anniversary, and three decades later, the story of five kids stuck in Saturday detention resonates just as powerfully as it did back then, when we teenagers over-gelled our hair and talked on landlines. Maybe the film is outdated; maybe…

30 years Breakfast ClubJune 19, 2024 – 04:45 am

30 years Breakfast Club

The ultimate ’80s It Girl played the popular rich girl Claire Standish in The Breakfast Club. Something of a Hughes muse, Ringwald also appeared in Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink. While she’ll forever be known as an ’80s teen icon, she’s stayed in showbiz over the past three decades, taking on roles on the big screen (Betsy’s Wedding, Teaching Mrs. Tingle) and the small screen alike (The Secret Life of the American Teenager, The Stand). Ringwald…

Elephantitis nuts Breakfast ClubMay 26, 2024 – 04:20 am

Elephantitis nuts Breakfast Club

I recently had the honor of co-hosting a special screening of The Breakfast Club with two of my best friends from high school, one of whom is now the Executive Director of the (which you should totally [ “Totally?” ] check out if you’re in town). For as formative as this film was for me, and for as many times as I’ve seen it — I could do a solo shadowcast to within 95% accuracy, I’m pretty sure — I never saw it on the big screen. Wow. What a difference…

Michael j Fox Breakfast ClubMay 10, 2024 – 03:59 am

Michael j Fox Breakfast Club

Last Saturday morning I was sitting down in my PJs about to eat breakfast and have a bit of a lazy morning, when I realised Saturday Kitchen was off for the summer holidays. Without my weekly fix of Masterchef and Two Fat Ladies I was feeling lost, until I saw that Sky Movies was showing DOG readers will know I am slightly obsessed with that movie so I parked myself down and watched it. What followed, however, was another 80s gem that I hadn t seen…

Watch Breakfast Club on RevoltMay 5, 2024 – 09:37 pm

Watch Breakfast Club on Revolt

DJ Envy, Angela Yee and Charlamagne’s crazy self are coming to REVOLT TV! According to reports, New York’s Power 105.1 “The Breakfast Club” will air on Diddy’s newly-launched music network in the new year. With the help of Clear Channel Media and Entertainment, the nationally-syndicated, award-winning radio show will broadcast live from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on weekdays. “Starting our day with “The Breakfast Club” brings three more hours of live daily…

Breakfast Club BerlinDecember 11, 2023 – 03:59 am

Breakfast Club Berlin

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and establishing a solid network is the most important part of business. So why not combine the two in style? On 23 August attendees of the next Breakfast Club, hosted in Barcomis Deli in Berlin Mitte, will be able to expand and foster their network in the most delicious way. The networking event is happening in cooperation with Hubraum, the Berlin-based accelerator programme that supports startups…

Good start Breakfast Club Red CrossOctober 28, 2023 – 02:39 am

Good start Breakfast Club Red Cross

Coles and Red Cross are helping thousands of Australian kids get a healthy start to their day. Despite many nutritionists considering that breakfast is the most important meal of the day in assisting a child s development and helping maintain a healthy weight, research has found that up to 40 per cent of Australian school children regularly skip breakfast. Since 1991, the Red Cross Good Start Breakfast Club program has positively influenced the eating…

Kid Ink Breakfast ClubOctober 24, 2023 – 02:38 am

Kid Ink Breakfast Club

Like most of us on Twitter last night, was sipping his tea while keeping up with Meek Mill’s rant against Drake. But he was back on his business when he dropped the London On The Track-produced cut titled “Imagine” this morning. Not going to lie, it kind of sounds like a Young Thug record, but hey, who’s original in hip-hop these days? Sampling Blackstreet and Mya’s 1 smash hit “Take Me There, ” Kid Ink taps into his softer side with a jam strictly…

Last song on Breakfast ClubOctober 16, 2023 – 02:24 am

Last song on Breakfast Club

On Monday, September 20, The Paris Theater in New York City filled to standing-room only for a 25th-anniversary screening of the seminal teen classic The Breakfast Club. The event, organized by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, celebrated not just the 1985 hit, but the life of writer-director John Hughes, who passed away last August at the age of 59. After the screening, the audience was treated to a special 90-minute Q&A with four of…

Dubai Business Breakfast ClubOctober 4, 2023 – 01:50 am

Dubai Business Breakfast Club

Vocational education is integral to the development of the region. Countries such as Singapore, Finland and Australia offer outstanding case studies of its impact on economic growth. It is, therefore, imperative for industry to continue regarding vocational training with a positive outlook, according to Richard Barrett, Director, Consulting, Deloitte. Barrett added: “Quality vocational education can provide an essential springboard for ambitious young…

Salem Breakfast ClubSeptember 26, 2023 – 01:39 am

Salem Breakfast Club

There s a nice graphics feature with a series of before/after images and with a slider to toggle between them. June 23rd and September 15th at Detroit Lake — Brent Drinkut (@BrentDrinkut) Tomorrow, Friday the 25th, the Salem City Club s talk is Confronting Drought and Water Scarcity in Oregon. It ll probably be more about water management and less about the antecedent causes and exacerbating factors of climate change, but it s still important. As…