Brighton Lions Club

December 16, 2024 – 08:46 am

Lion Bob Iannuzzi Memorial Golf Outing

Every July we host an outing at the Golf Club at Mount Brighton in honor of Lion Bob Iannuzzi. Plan to join us for a full day of golf plus a continental breakfast, lunch and dinner followed by the presentation of door prizes and awards. Each year, many local businesses and private individuals generously sponsor holes and donate door prizes to help make the outing a success. Proceeds from the outing benefit the Brighton Lions Community Den and our many local projects.

Our Big Summer Raffle!

Look for us throughout the summer during the festival season selling our 50/50 Summer Raffle Tickets in Downtown Brighton. As with all of our fund raising projects, 100% of the proceeds go back into the community to fund our service to the blind and visually impaired or other service projects. Be sure to stop by and say “Hi” and buy a stack of tickets.


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