Mighty in San Francisco
Address: 119 Utah St
Main entrance will be on Alameda Street and San Bruno Avenue
$25 advance/$30 day of event – 21+ with valid ID
Breakfast of Champions will be returning to Utah Street & Mighty again in 2015! As always there will be an all-star DJ line-up playing from 6 AM until you cry “uncle” in four different areas of sound. All of your favorite Space Cowboy DJs, Friends, and Special Guests!
- TWO Tented outdoor stages
- TWO Rooms inside Mighty
- Full bars both inside and out!
- Plenty of port-o-lets, outdoor seating
- Food from Seoul on Wheels, Ultra Crepes, Me So Hungry & Oceanic Restaurant
All-Star DJ Line-Up
Space Cowboy DJs
Brad Robinson
Kapt’n Kirk
DJ shOOey
Zach Moore
Special Friends of Cowboys and Special Guests:
Sleight of Hands
Anthony Mansfield
Ding Dong
Clark Hamon
Motion Potion
Ethan Miller
Derek Hena
Dr Whiskers
Haute Mess
Julius Papp
J Boogie
Shiny Objects
Justin Glover
Tim the Enchanger
Wichita Ron

No babes in arms. No dogs. No bikes, no roller skates, no ins and outs. No outside alcohol. All bags subject to search for contraband and other harmful objects (our call). There will be a faster bag check security lines for pre-sale ticket holders. This event is wheelchair accessible. Plenty of street parking, bike parking, taxi stands, and close to MUNI access in Potrero Hill.
Source: www.spacecowboys.org
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Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut was first released on May 11, 1999. !