It’s that time of the week again, my weekly Slimming World update.
I was really good and took Darcy to Trent Park for a long walk, whilst T went for jog. I ended up walking almost 3 miles. I was presently surprised, I could definitely feel a difference in my fitness. We also went out for lunch and I choose the safest thing on the menu jacket potato beans and cheese but I was really good and asked them to served the cheese on the side and also no butter.
I do in general need to watch my portion sizes, Slimming World is amazing but if you enjoy food and have a big appetite like me it’s easy to eat a lot of calories still.
This week I lost 1.5 lbs which I’m really pleased with.
I haven't taken many pictures of what I have been eating this week but here are a few of my favourite meals
Source: www.bumpandbeyondblog.co.uk
Meal 1 * Shredded Wheat Cereal - 1 cups * Skim Milk - 1 cups * Strawberries - cup...