This week on The RIPEcast we're pleased to feature our good friends, JDubya, Markie B & Gravity of Pink Mammoth, as recorded live from Breakfast of Champions 2013! Enjoy! Pink Mammoth is a music/arts collective dedicated to providing unforgettable parties with House music and a deep vibe. They thrive on bringing good people together and making each event memorable. Pink Mammoth creates the freshest parties at Burning man, Lovefest, Decompression, Bay to Breakers, Mighty, Pink, Wish, Mars bar, Shine and other select undergrounds and house par-ties! PM is a family. We strive to nurture a sense of closeness among us, a bond between us, and to create an environment of love and compassion, selflessness and support, health and vitality, that encourages each of us to be our best, to shine and to thrive. The survival and growth of PM depends upon its participants. For more information on Pink Mammoth by
mmboop. papalike.
@gravity-pm: Sorry @Bot-sf - think you IDed the wrong song! Gravity IDed it for me though. :)
What is this track?
@ashley-rainbows: Love is Noise by The Verve. Shazam says so
Can't wait to see you all live in Black Rock this year!
Track ID:
Love it :)
beautiful theology...and beats to match.also pinkmamoths are just damn funky.and fluffy...ahhhh x lovely in all ways really to only have one comment on this is a careful fumans...the lovelycowboysn'galsofspace may reconsider posting unless commenti loves are increased.x heres some...big x
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